All apartments at Belair are 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom. As most that have stayed there will attest, the 2nd bedroom is very small. The newsletter specifically states that since Belair's rooms are "dated and old school" they intend to work on the flooring, change out the linens, pictures and update the hot water system, walkways and central cooling plumbing system. The term used in the communication is "the maintenance fee for 2020 is $1,710" with $380 of the increase being assessed to cover cost of infrastructure repairs and improvement". Estimate for these improvements: $1,443,000. The Belair advertises that it has 72 apartments.
Timeshare people have attempted to get accurate expenditure reports for many years but only ever see "Projected Budget" numbers in the annual newsletter. Some of these numbers are difficult to believe but as stated, there is no additional accounting to timeshare "owners".
Some have a genuine concern about this price hike, others don't question it. I've already stated our plans.