As I was about to exit Horny Toad for the beach a while ago I saw a familiar face approaching me. It was JP from Pizza Galley and he is here on vacation. He is staying at a friend's apartment just 3 properties down the beach. We chatted for about 20 minutes about the state of the island, his life and if he had any future plans to come back. He will be 71 next week and has had offers and backers step forward. He said at 71 and after losing everything here 3 times, he just was not going to do it again. His wife had some health problems that are now resolved and he said he still enjoys visiting SXM and his daughter is still here, but he is ready for retirement.

He said to tell anyone that asked about him, thank you and he "misses his customers as much as they miss him"

It was nice to see him and chat with him.

Back to the beach!
