So, im more educated now. So i would be PO’d if someone from far away France was making decisons about my land.

We all remember after Irma talking about how Club Orient and othe Orient Bay properties should be built on pilings to withstand the storm surge. Right.

Yet all the hotels and beach bars for tourists are back open and ready for a CAT 5.

Yet, the locals in Sandy Ground cant put a roof on where they live. If the French govt is so concerned, perhaps a civile engineering team should figure out a low cost design to raise all the properties up a dozen feet.

The French overseas minister mentioned like 11 deaths from Irma. While tragic, it could have been worse and might have been. But what it says is most people somehow survived this monster in the low lying, poor design homes they possessed and now you cant rebuild.

That only makes sense if Orient cant rebuild and you cant have one rule for hoteliers and villa owners and a different one for average locals.