I would suggest you build a potential itinerary with your group, and then post for comments. I'm sure folks here will be happy to share their advice. I've always found my initial itinerary is always subject to change, often due to the 'whim & fancy' of the crew at any moment, but obviously affected by weather conditions during my charter. Also the word spreads fast as to 'what is open' and 'what music is playing'. Members in your group will have their own personal expectations to add to a draft itinerary you can build on. My additional suggestion would be that you attempt to start your day early, the time will get away from you and the sunset comes early in BVI. By starting early I don't mean rush …. it is 'island time'. Most important, be respectful of the BVI people and be friendly, it will be returned.

Noel Hall
"It is humbling indeed, to discover my own opinion is only correct less than 50% of the time."
