2 weeks ago I replied to an Italy post, wrongly I might add, saying I wouldn't worry about the what ifs and just go and have a great trip! I have been keeping up on this virus closely since. I just traveled to spend time with my daughter who is about to complete her masters in public health, chronic disease epidemiology. My eyes are open now. Every day we see numbers of infected and/or dying in different areas around the world multiplying and this is concerning. It sounds like it's not "if" the virus will hit your town, but when. We have a close friend who is "self" quarantined after traveling abroad recently, she is healthy. I'm still a believer that if you are unlucky enough to catch this and are in good physical shape it will pass like a cold or flu, but my concerns are for the people I know who have compromised immune systems, my mom. As far as travel, I believe that we are screwed in the near future to many destinations. My wife is flying to Nevada tomorrow, we don't really like it, but we can't realistically stay cocooned in our home either. The major concern I would have traveling abroad now would be the possible quarantine, but I'm retired now and have the time! We have talked about our July sailing trip and collectively are staying the course.