This was a last minute decision to try this place last night and I am glad we did. Having dined at the location when it was Bajatzu and reading very positive reviews, my expectations were high. We were not disappointed. Both food and service was top notch. Not inexpensive but neither are higher end steakhouses where I live. Two filet mignon steaks and a bone-in ribeye were accompanied by your choice of 3 potato options and the daily grilled vegetables. Menu prices are as whet is listed on their website as was the dining choices.

After a 3 hour meal debacle the other night at Bar Code, this was a very pleasant experience. We were not at all rushed and were in and out in just under 90 minutes and could have made it less.

Since it was a last minute decision, I only called for reservations about 45 minutes prior and we were accommodated. They were not full and by the time we left (9:00) the crowd was thinning out.

