Yeah, we've had 5 labs and a yorkie. All but 1 still alive, the first. Confession time.

The first dog in the 90s was a good old blockhead who did some damage. I sent him to 3 week boarding training and he came out knowing german, english and sign language. He could count to five, put his arms under arrest, and would stay for hours at one point. He could get a beverage out if the fridge. Our friends and neighbors were impressed that the trainer got so many referrals that he was doing NFL QB and LB protection dogs and driving a red sportscar from italy.

We got so many referral credits that he became a protection dog and learned russian and latin for certain functions and he learned to be a good drug sniffer and had made some rounds through some schools with the trainer and rescue dog who never did a real work because he was a me tal therapist to the family.

That dog didnt need a prong collar but when he was trained with it and new it meant he was going to work.

Our current labs are just nice uneducated dogs.

As for the yorkie, he is the most dominant. We have always paid his way on a plane but he has been to rain forest cafe at disney springs, hooters, sonnys bar b q, airboat rides, college football games,etc. my boss has said he is one but he has never worn a fake suit. Always perfect behavior like a service dog, you wiuld t know he is there,unless you offer him a bone during dinner at sonny's. He now gets ignored until we are in the car.

In the last 6 months various retailers who used to give him a treat now reject him (menards) while others still welcome him. We also had a legally blind teenage girl without her dog challenge us in the walmart parking lot as we were leaving as she said it makes it harder for her to bring her service dog in the store as it evidently does get distracted.

So, we are not clean as the driven snow on the service dog front.