Thx for that clarification. I had a feeling about this and therefore didn't cancel anything. However, don't you feel that by mentioning this very important info on their site was their duty to do so or even in these scary times the almighty dollar and their survival and not necessarily ours is their main achievement. Perhaps, but wtfdik. But they need us as much as we need them, the airline business that is and although I have never had a problem with AA on this particular route, it ain't right. Also, although this possibly should be on a new thread, its somewhat related. I won't just re-book immediately for say in July or Nov/December. I hope I am not wrong but after Irma, how many owners of restaurants(one of my main reasons for going, particularly on the French Side for me) will just say we have had enough and closing. I know life always goes on, but after what they have been through, I won't blame them for starting up elsewhere.