Actually Carol, there are NO grocery stores open on the Dutch Side. The French side has a store open each day for a few hours in the morning, but no one from the Dutch Side can cross the border to the French Side in order to go to the grocery store.

The Dutch government said there can be limited delivery of only essential food items like milk, eggs and maybe bread. Nothing else and the minimum order is US $75.

The locals have no jobs, no source of income and are not prepared for anything like this without access to grocery stores. The PM has asked for Dutch Marines from Holland to be flown in but I do not think those have arrived on the island as yet.

Boats anchored on the Dutch Side cannot get food either, just like the locals, and water is limited to one outlet that can be accessed for 4 hours, once a week (but not next week because it is Easter). There are nightly security patrols organized by sailors on both the Dutch and French side because neither the Dutch CG nor the French CG or gendarmes want to patrol the Lagoon or Marigot Bay during darkness. Yes, there have already been several incidents that were reported to the Coast Guard with absolutely no interest by the authorities in pursuing the maters.