To all here who have responded favorably to my thoughts and comments on up-coming visits, thank you.

It wasn’t my intention to cast aspersions on those who might have alternate opinions and it sure as heck wasn’t meant to be in any way political. I can’t believe anyone would be foolish enough to consider ingesting bleach, regardless of what may have been said by whom or how it was meant to be taken. Just my personal thoughts and feelings about the disappointments so many of us have shared this year. I’m not alone and I feel the pain of all who have been effected.

This was intended purely as a way for me to let off a little steam considering in another reality I might have started my day with the sun rising over the waters of Simpson Bay and the sounds of the waves breaking on the beach; coffee on our patio followed eventually by breakfast at the yacht Club while watching the boats come and go through the lagoon; followed by time spent on our beach or in our pool at BSV and sundowners on our patio and finally, ending the day with a wonderful dinner somewhere. And instead, my realities - a gray, raw and rainy day here in CT. And since it’s Friday, probably a pizza for dinner.

Somehow there’s just no comparison. But in the end, que sera, sera. We will return as soon as common sense works for us. Hopefully November but if not, I’ll look forward to seeing our island friends in April. handshake handshake



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat