Want to get really scary? CDC (10 year) average cases of seasonal flu: 48,000,000 Average deaths from seasonal flu: 43,000 Ratio of cases to deaths: 0.1% (Note: Life as usual, no protective measures.) Then comes Covid-19 and within three months we have 1,356,037 confirmed cases and 81,571 deaths, or a mortality ratio of 6.0%. (Note: This is with social distancing, masks, and lockdowns.) What if ….. Covid-19 was left to it's own, with life as usual? Could it spread to a number like the flu? The math would then be about 3 million deaths. I am aware this speculative analysis does not include those cases where individuals have recovered and never been tested. I'm thinking the true contagion and mortality rates are yet to be confirmed. Until then it seems we are in unchartered waters.

Noel Hall
"It is humbling indeed, to discover my own opinion is only correct less than 50% of the time."
