Sad that government seems to want to let the island keep bleeding jobs , risk many businesses going broke , people not eating and be so vague on so many Critical questions. What happens when they open and one person has covid19? Are they gonna order everything shut and send The tourist , the only thing that keeps that economy going home again? It’s gonna happen just like this virus is going to be around coming and going for a long time probably. People will have to adapt and learn to live with it Or get use to just hiding in fear. The risk of dying from this is incredibly small. and 92% of the people that have died from it already had fragile or underlying prior health issues. This is an amazing virus. Almost every other cause of death is virtually disappeared, everything is coronavirus now. It’s serious but with precautions we can still live our lives. Hopefully SXM will not live in fear much longer And let the airport open as it desperately needs tourism dollars.

Last edited by foreversxm; 05/18/2020 10:34 PM.