Once the world (and especially the United States) get back to normal then this board which we love will surely return to normal, but by no means this summer. 2020 has been a pretty screwed up year on a lot of fronts, but I got a hunch that the second half of the year will be better than the first half and necessary changes will be taking place. The largest pharmaceutical company in the U.S. is Pfizer (the 'little blue pill' company) and they have partnered with BioNTech on a COVID-19 vaccine that just may be ready by mid-October for high risk individuals. And, if all goes well because the type of vaccine they are creating does require massive amounts of vat processing ample supplies should be available for the general population if all goes well with their present efficacy trials. Still too soon to tell, but things are looking good vaccine-wise. Other vaccines will also be emerging this winter including a more traditional vaccine from England's AstraZeneca that is also in Phase 2/3 clinical trials, and yet another vaccine similar to the one from Pfizer that uses 'engineered' messenger RNA to deliver it's knock-out punch to SARS-Cov-2. Whether you believe in vaccines or not, it will eventually be time to face the truth and that truth remains that COVID-19 disease will not go away until the majority of the world's population is vaccinated for it. My hope is that by this time next year (and hopefully much sooner) COVID-19 will be a distant memory.