What if in order to travel....the vaccine is required? I have a feeling many countries including the USA will require folks to be vaccinated before they are allowed to visit. We have a yellow card that has all of our vaccinations documented. So in addition to having a passport for proof of citizenship, you have to have proof of inoculations to get into many countries. What if St. Martin, or Jamaica, or even Hawaii....requires a covid 19 vaccine? Islands are at a very high risk...a disease like covid could wipe out the entire island. So i fully expect once the covid 19 vaccine is available...it will be required.

It was my dream to go on a photo safari in Africa. I researched, I joined travel forums, I asked for advice. Several countries in Africa require a yellow fever shot. It is very controversial...especially for folks over 60. It can even cause death...But if you go to South Africa, they can and do require proof that you have had the shot. We could have taken the chance and NOT gotten the very expensive, hard to find inoculation....but we could have also been denied entry. So...because it was important to us to travel to South Africa...we got the shot.... By the way...we had absolutely no side effects from the yellow fever shot.

So the question becomes...Will you get the shot or no longer travel? I will be first in line to get it. There is no right or wrong answer to this question. There is the right answer for you.

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