Oh where do I start! if I could do a do over probably the only thing I would have done is not bought first floor!!! Our property is only two stories and I so wish I bought the upper level, lots of noise and if they have a leak - well guess whose unit gets destroyed!!! If its owner fault, you have to deal with the owner. We did a mortgage on the property through RBC in town and a notary did the closing. We rushed ourselves and that was another of our issues (I had to get home for cancer treatment and flew in and flew out to make the closing). We never did a walk through prior to closing, another huge mistake!!! Very naive on our part and our realtor never suggested. I would have never closed if we did as there was water damage. Then 3 months later Irma hit!!!! You must remember you're dealing with an association. Be ready for assessments if needed. But please do a walk through prior to your closing!!!!! Also remember, if something happens you need to get there. Have a good manager over seeing the property while you are away. Another cost. Depending on where you live it could be hard to get there on a drop of a dime. We can almost always find a non stop from NY so it works. Good Luck!!