Maybe SXM is doing it right. Or maybe it's the sunshine and fresh air. While on SXM we were at first nervous because we saw very few mask wearers. Only at Mario's restaurant did we have to stop for a temperature check. Other restaurants some servers wore masks others didn't.

All stores, bars and restaurants open. Here at home we're still under close orders or people limits.

Grocery stores on SXM masks required and before entering store hands must be sanitized. Here at home not required to sanitize at grocery store with exception of Trader Joe's.

Schools open on SXM not here at home.

People younger than we are getting vaccinated on SXM. Here at home they just now offer appointments for people 65+

We left SXM feeling safe. Returned home and one day later feel like prisoners again. It was easy to forget how free we were. Driving from airport we discussed where we'd eat since cupboard was bare at home. Then we remembered we couldn't just go somewhere to eat so we ordered Chinese food and brought it home.

Wish we were back in SXM but this time for more reasons than weather and warmth.