We made at least 6 trips to SKB between 1987 and 2007. It is a pretty quiet island when compared to SXM. Our stays were at Ocean Terrace Inn, Frigate Bay, Island Paradise Beach Villas, and the Marriot. Unless some extensive remodeling has take place, I would not return to Frigate Bay or OTI. Take a look at Timothy Beach Resort and the Marriot. Get a car and explore. Brimstone Hill, Caribelle Batik, and the southern peninsula are great for ocean views. The beaches are dark sand due to the volcanic activity of the now extinct Mt. Liamuiga. The island has a dual ecosystem. The large northern part of the island is rainforest and the southern is a desert. Sugar production has ended but you can take the "Sugar Train" around the island. The train tour is a bit expensive but very informative. Duty free shopping is available at Port Zante where the cruise ships dock. We stopped going due to the inability of trading into a time share thru RCI. The Marriot has a casino and there used to be another just across the street at the Jack Tar Resort. A good place for info is St. Kitts and Nevis Tourism