It is unfortunate but I suspect most of that vaccine will be wasted. The government did a fine job of isolation and contact tracing with locking down borders and population. It gave them a sense of security that is unwarranted. I believe the time for this vaccine education and its association with economic reopening was back in December and January.

Instead the country felt like they were safe, few knew anyone who died or were very ill. That tended to sober many up in other countries. There is a saying that a lie (rumor, uninformed opinion) gets half way around the world before the truth gets its pants on. Indeed that has happened in a lot of places and is firmly entrenched in the BVI. The conspiracies, off the wall claims of perils of the vaccine, when given by someone on the radio or tv, never mind they have no background to give an opinion that affects other peoples choices, are huge. Once someone in your social group or church who is adamant in their belief that the vaccine is dangerous or unnecessary and looked up to in other areas speaks against it..others believe.

Now you have had low incidence and all the rumors of danger and a British conspiracy to use the islanders as guinea pigs going on since the vaccine was cleared in December. The BVI government got the vaccine in March and just now are promoting it as necessary to reopen.

If the government was able, they would buy many doses of the multiple antibody treatments that are available and if given soon after getting Covid is 70 % effective in preventing serious disease. Only use it on those at high risk after opening. It would save a lot of people who otherwise will not take the vaccine and get seriously ill. But I see no way they get 70% of their population vaccinated.