Hot...mid 80's. We were there 11/7 - 11/13. People had told me that it was a different kind of heat and I would not sweat or really be hot. I found that not to be the case at all for me. Walking around the race track for 3 days I can tell you it was not a dry heat for us. We both were sweating like hogs.

When we went to Sedona I would always try to find somewhere in the shade while DH did his walking. Yes, I am 62 and not in the best physical shape but it was hot to both of us. Not the humitity we have in NC but I would have loved it if it had been in the 70's or even 60's.

On the up side there was not any rain to spoil our vacation.The skies were always bright blue and looked beautiful against the rocks/mountains. I am glad that we had the chance to go and visit both Sedona and Pheonix. Hope that you will enjoy your trip.