We met Sail Caribbean Divers at the CIBC dock this morning. Familiar boat (Endeavor) and dive master. Went out to Carvel rock first, but it was deemed too rough. Tried the Rhone next, but there was too much current. So we ended up at Ginger steps, which we have certainly done a number of times before but was probably a good choice for our fist dive since January 2020.

There were only two other divers along (who live on Tortola). Conditions were quite good and we had a very enjoyable first dive. Reef sharks, a large sting ray, big lobsters, etc. The second dive at Painted Walls was also very nice. We are not such seasoned divers that it doesn't take a bit of review and acclimatization and were both very glad we went. We may try to get in another dive near the end of our trip.

Afterwards we had lunch and drinks at CIBC, which did not disappoint. They have really upped their game in both food and the cocktails. The weather was really nice and it felt much more like one of our old favorites. Even the funky smell (presumably rotting seaweed) that was a bit unpleasant in the mooring field somehow seemed absent on shore.

We left for North Sound in the afternoon, picked up a few provisions at Chef's Pantry and plan to head to Anegada in the morning.
We also scheduled our (hopefully final!) exit covid test at JVD which means we have to be in Great Harbor the morning of the 26th.

M4000 "Lio Kai"