Is there a test accepted by Ehas that doesn't involve going virtually up into your brain? Been hearing how unpleasant this is for some and yet others it appears to be a formality. I watched someone recently in a hospital have the Covid test and saw the pain and grimace on her face as this long sticklike insertion with swab on end just kept going up into the nostril and twisted it around and this person described the performance like acute brain freeze after eating ice cream too quickly and said it was so unpleasant. And yet I hear others supposedly breeze the test without any pain whatsoever as in someone testing recently at Walgreens and said they just went partly up the nose. In fact another person who went there did it themselves? Only just fully understood the difference between a PCR and Antigen test which does indeed appear to be the timing in getting the results quicker but a PCR test is supposed to be more accurate? Is this correct? I suppose my question is does SXM only support the brain treatment test and yet coming back into the States, depending on where you live, you can get a less invasive one? Still somewhat confused over this all.