What a great surprise, you go Mrs Beerman! Wow, now this is interesting. Other than the resorts beach, Bahia Honda and Sombrero were the only beaches we went to. Sombrero has a nice city park feel to it, dog walk park, play ground, BBQ area, bath rooms, outside shower to rinse off. The water at Sombrero was perfectly flat calm, really too calm.

Bahia Honda was much larger area, old bridge/pier to walk out on, bigger beach with more wave, but lots of current. They had BBQ area but I don't recall seeing showers, probably there, I just didn't see them. If had to do one, I would vote for Bahia Honda, it was more of what I expected to see in the Keys. Sorry no good pic of Bahia Honda

sombrero Beach

Grilling some amber jack at Sombrero:
