You guys are really giving us some good info. We are definitely Cuban pork black beans and rice with paper napkin people! <img src="" alt="" /> but we don't mind paying for a great dinner at a place with great atmosphere <img src="" alt="" />

We have 3 nights there, we arrive around 1pm and we can't check in until 3pm. Might swing by the plaza at Mallory square for lunch? (insert your opinion) then to the condo, then quickly back out to walk around and work our way to the "southernmost point" area for sunset and dinner somewhere (insert opinion)

2nd day breakfast close to condo at Duval and Virginia (insert opinion) then hop in the convertible and head north as far as Marathon and enjoy a beach for a few hours. After lunch work our way back to the condo and park the ride. We'll want a nice dinner with an awesome sunset option (insert opinion please)

3rd day, if weather screwed us up the day before we'll do that this day, if weather is great as I'm sure it will be we'll have breakfast close again and perhaps hit the Fort Zachery Taylor and Hemingways House. If temps are great we'll head to Smathers via convertible. Then another nice dinner with sunset option (insert opinion again please)

WOW...this was a short trip, we'll definitely need to come rent that boat!! <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />