We had stopped there to inquire about the test. They recommended us to use Sun Pharmacie or Pharmacie Soualiga in Marigot. We used Pharmacie Soualiga in Marigot…free, no questions about where you’re staying…did take a little over 2 hours, I was the 50th person tested that day…testing starts at 9, we got in line at 9:30, with like 40+ people in front of us . According to sign on door, antigen testing is done Tue & Thur, 9-10:30, Sat 9-11:30

not the most efficient process since just one lady does both the testing and processing of the results…she hands you a form with “negative “ checked, which you then take around the corner into the front entrance of the pharmacy (testing is done at back entrance) where after a few minutes you are then given the official test results document

Sun Pharmacie testing is done 10-11.30 M-F. We did our test on May 29th.