I think it is a very deceptive practice, and I think it is just based on finding a way to get a bit more money from you but make it look like you are paying less. It seems they started as basically facility use fee's and morphed regardless of if you use the on site facilities or not. At one point I figured it was possibly also motivated by business travelers where you can only spend so much on a room but this allows a way to hide a portion but I don't think that is the case. I think it is just deceptive greed, note that I am pretty sure in the US they have to be clearly listed or face deceptive practice issues with the law. Not an attorney and didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night so just opinion!

The Morgan (former Alegria / Caravanserai) is listing and charging resort fee's and stated to me in an email to answer my question on this that "Many if not all resorts on the island charges a resort fee". Just trying to be educated when I call BS.

I prefer the Isle seat