My wife and I have been visiting Baker Beach in San Francisco once or twice each summer for the past 15-20 years. For as long as we've been coming, the north end of BB has been the nude section and the south end the textile section. Like most nude beaches, obnoxious clothed male gawkers have long been a problem, and men have greatly outnumbered women, but you could always count on the vast majority of north end beach goers being nude or topless.

This has changed in the past 2-3 years. We visited BB last week. There were perhaps 150-200 people at the north end, with about 2/3 of them, both men and women, in bathing suits or otherwise clothed. They did not exhibit typical "gawker behavior," and seemingly paid no attention to the nude users.

Few of the textiles were aging baby boomers. Most were millennials or gen-y's. I can only assume that millennials, at least in California, have become used to public nudity, and while not participating themselves, are not put off by nudists.

One problem is that the presence of so many textiles has severely reduced the number of female nudists. (My wife no longer disrobes at BB.) I counted three nude women, all of whom were with their equally nude husbands or b/f. In marked contrast, I saw maybe 9-10 couples like us where he was nude and she wasn't, not even topless. I also noticed maybe 10-12 topless women. The rest of the nudists were men, either alone or with other nude men.

On another forum, I exchanged comments with a poster who frequents Black's Beach in San Diego, who said the same phenomenon is occurring there.

Has anyone else noticed this trend elsewhere?