Originally Posted by Flynny70
Heading to Anegada first week of March for a couple of days. When visited last time, we took a tour with Teamwork Charters (awesome!). This time we want to explore the beaches on the north side. What are your recommendations for doing this? Booking an island tour? Renting scooters? Thanks

Rent a jeep instead of scooters; save yourself medivac trip to Tortola. In a day you can check out Cow Wreck, Anegada Beach Club, Loblolly and Flash of Beauty.

There are lots of other great spots to see long the North shore if you can find them.

Jeep rentals:
Dean Wheatley - dwjeep@hotmail.com or (284) 495-9677
Lauren Creque - jljeeprental@hotmail.com or (284) 441-0563 call or whatsapp

Coconut Breeze Villas
Cane Garden Bay