Just discovered this great site for current information on the BVI, have read all the relevant posts, and would appreciate some suggestions on our proposed dinner plans.
My wife and I have chartered a Powercat from MaxMarine starting April 23 for ten nights and plan to eat (and imbibe in adult beverages) ashore each night. While our last cruise through the islands, five years ago, allowed us to plan a sailing itinerary and best snorkeling spots; we realize that the restaurants we chose then might not be the best ones to choose now.
Here are our current restaurant thoughts and would appreciate any comments
Night 1: Arrive at MaxMarine and spend first night at Marina. Dinner: Whatever is available there.
Night 2: Norman Island. Dinner: Either Willy’s or Pirates Bight, depending on our mood.
Night 3 & 4: Jost Van Dyke. One dinner at Hendo’s and one at Harris’ Place.
Nights 5: Anagada. First dinner at either Lobster Trap, Potters or Wonky Dog—everyone on this site seems to have their favorite, so we are a bit perplexed.
Night 6: Anagada. Rent Jeep, tour the island, and have dinner at Anagada Beach club.
Night 7: Virgin Gorda/Trellis Bay. Dinner at Beach Bar-B-Q at Leverick Bay—it’s a Friday.
Night 8 & 9: Virgin Gorda. This is where we are having the most angst, although “angst” might be too strong a word; so let’s just say confusion.
• Originally, we had planned moving further into North Sound and eating at Saba, but, after reading recent thread, are thinking that might be a bad plan. North Sound Bistro seems better choice, but that would mean spending another night at Trellis Bay and we wanted to move further into the Sound.
• We are attracted to Nut Oil Bay, but are not sure how to get there—is there a passage along Saba or do we need to go around Prickly Pear?
• Either way, are there mooring buoys at Nut Oil or do we need to come alongside their docks?
• Is Bitter End Yacht Club a dinner alternative for one of these nights?
Night 10: Cooper Island. Dinner at Cooper Island Beach Club for easy return to marina early the next morning.
Thanks to any taking the time to assist us.