So it’s been brought to my attention, ever so nicely, that I didn’t post anything yesterday. Mostly because we didn’t do anything even remotely interesting to the vast majority who read here.

We enjoyed breakfast on our lanai as has been our habit for most of this trip and then we decided to take a ride to the grocery store and beyond, wherever our trusty red ‘69 would take us. We ended up driving around looking for restaurants we wanted to try but couldn’t, for the most part, locate. It was a silly ride but we enjoyed ourselves. And we laughed so hard. How, after all these years, could we NOT know where things are located?!

Since it was getting late, we debated on dinner. Should it be at the normal 7-7:30 time slot or should we make it a late lunch and skip dinner. We opted for the latter and headed to Marc’s again since he told us his fresh PEI mussels would be arriving fresh off the plane that day. They did and were delicious. $65.00 for dinner and soft drinks for two - the cauldron was full and J actually managed to finish them all. I tried but not quite.

Back to BSV and a quiet evening at home with a good book. Worked for us but are you bored to tears yet? Just wait till I tell you about today!!



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat