Pretty sure they are open for lunch as they were open this past Sunday when we went to Rendezvous brunch

Linda, thank you for recommending Balls & Wine

She writes romance and I am not her inspiration

In one of her books (Love Notes Series,) she quickly mentioned that they honeymooned in SXM
Her writing name is Renee Lee Fisher, her website is

In all honesty, I live a pretty busy life and do not read too much but I have read four of her books which I did enjoy.

I enjoyed the Love Notes series as it was about music, we love smooth jazz (over 10 cruises) and she used names of some of our friend musicians on the cruise

Derailed is a suspense romance taking place in New Jersey shore town, when writing my wife asked for a town name and I recommended the hometown of a sax player and it got published (i got no credit)