St. Lawrence Gap is only about 10-15 minutes from Oistens and another 20 minutes by bus to Bridgetown. There is a little beach just past the gap on the way to Bridgetown called Sandy Beach. I have seen turtles there and there is a nice bar called "The Carib" with a great happy hour. Just further along is Bert's Bar owned by the owner of the Ottawa Senators if you need a hockey fix. The bar is kind of dull though. Further along is Rockley beach, which is the best beach along there. There are a number of little bars all clustered together there and another one at the far end of the beach. You could ask the lifeguards about turtles. Yes! there are actual lifeguards! There is also Brownes Beach just before Bridgetown, which is big with a number of bars and popular with the cruisers.

Have fun. We are taking your advice and heading to Jolly Harbour in January.