We have added a new parking lot inside the property with a remote controlled gate and with the phase 2 of this parking lot ( that is scheduled next week in between 2 bookings) we will have the 2 units (La Vu & Oseyan) at the same level of parking lot so you no longer need to go up the 5 steps to access those units,..Ill try and post some picture here next week....You will however have to go down a few steps to go towards the pool deck area but we have already installed additional handrails for those who have trouble walking,...So yes by next season we will have at least 2 units wheelchair accessible and maybe even more units as it is definatly something that is close to my heart to be able to cater to an older crowd who we would like to help to continue enjoying life for as long as they can in our little piece of paradise,.. and yes my long term dream goal would be to have an elevator down to the pool,...