Originally Posted by CaribLee
Now if they could just figure out how to resurface Rhine Road that winds through the golf course. I don't believe they have done anything to that road in the 28 years we have been visiting. One of the potholes almost swallowed us 10 days ago.

We’ve been visiting in that specific area for 49; years and I don’t recall them EVER doing any serious upgrading there. It was always a complaint of Mullet Resort and Towers guests and when we questioned the road repair status we were told they might consider repairs but only if both governments who benefited from it picked up a big part of the expense. Ansary knew he had the island by the……. And you can imagine how well received that was based on the repairs still undone.

And btw, I think I know the particular pothole you’re referring to. It’s deep enough and big enough to almost swallow some of the smaller island cars.



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat