Last year the sargassum came in on the North Shore of Anegada the last week of January (uncharacteristically early). I think it was January 29 (based on my photos). We had a strong squall one night and the next morning there was a thick band of it on the beach. We had several more squalls come through at night that week and one of them brought strong winds from the East along with swells bringing waves from the North. That combination cleaned most of the sargassum off the beach. It's very unpredictable - the prediction sites are really only of use on a macro scale but won't tell you what's going to happen on a particular beach on a particular day.

We just headed over to the South facing beach (between Pomato Point and West End). That's a beautiful stretch and there was no sargassum there.

Last edited by ecm56; 10/07/2023 10:17 AM.