I do not consider it a disadvantage to be "locked in" to a unit and week that I thoroughly enjoy. I look forward to my 2 weeks in January.. in the same unit.. with the perfect view..meeting the same people I have seen for years.

It is not our only vacation and we travel many times during the year but those January weeks are special. It would be a different situation for the 2 vacation weeks a year people.

...and I would NEVER book airfare before getting a place to stay. It adds an unnecessary limit to availability choices. I guess if you don't care where you stay or what kind of unit you get then it definitely would not make a difference.

I should also add that our other trips during the year (usually 4-5) are mostly booked through VRBO or an exchange for our Las Vegas weeks..again booking the place before the flight....always

These are OUR preferences and not meant to be a rebuttal to the choices of others. It works for us...

Last edited by boucharda; 01/28/2015 08:57 AM.