At all of the camps we, and the camps specifically suggested, that all tips be given at the end of your stay in cash. We took way too much cash with us, but did not have any idea. Spent more at the various airports than at any of the camps. Outside of the small shops (read tiny) there is nothing to buy at the camps really. There was plenty to buy at Victoria Falls, but with it being our 1st stop we did not buy much because we did not want to haul it.

Actually the only time we used our credit card in the camps was at Mombo, as they have a real gift shop and we charged stuff there. But even that was settled the last morning.

One suggestion that we did, and glad we did, was to make sure that you have small bills, a lot of singles and fives. You will go through them pretty fast, think we took $50-$75 in singles and $100 in fives. That seemed to work out pretty well for us, as in the airports and places we always broke a $20 or $50 when buying things, so we had some smaller stuff again. Then of course some $20's and stuff.

Eric Hill
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