Hey there Carol,
I got you there.

I might have time to write it again now. I will just do it in my outlook express, save it, then copy and paste it into the site. Ahhhhhhh well, you live and learn. The thing is, I should have known, or at the very least guessed about that glitch as many sites do that ........ UUUUUUUURRRRRGHHHHHHH!! Sometimes I want to pull my hair out...*giggle*

Before I go, I have to tell you that I liked you calling me "Kitty". I took that nick from the Africat Foundation. At first I right out used "Africat", but people thought I was male, so I changed the "cat" to "kitty". Also, my Mom's name was Margaret and she was known as either "Peggy", or by very close friends as "Kitty" So, that particular nick serves a purpose. I don't mind which name you choose to address me by...either Liz or Kitty. :-)

Let me try to get writing quickly.
See you.