First let me apologize, I know this post is off topic. I've searched elsewhere and haven't really found what I'm looking for. I know I recall reading some people mention that they may at times use a range finder for checking their swing radius. I'm asking for advice on a reasonably priced (cheap) range finder that could be used for this purpose. What kind do you use?

I am planning to install a new permanent mooring in our neighborhood cove in the next few weeks and want to make sure I have adequate swing radius from the neighboring existing moorings. I tend to have great depth perception and ability to judge time and distance, but when it comes to telling you the exact distance of an object in feet, not so much. I will use the device very infrequently as we very rarely anchor the boats that we own (we're not quite at the life stage yet where we can afford our own cruiser, at this point our fleet consists of only a laser, a 21ft center console which the mooring is for and a J22), but figured if I buy one, it might be a useful tool to bring when we charter.

Thanks in advance for any advice!