The benefit of three (which there were at one time) was that no matter where your chairs were, you had a raft (pretty much) in front of you. Swimming to the raft is often a decision that's made after you are in the water. "I think I'll swim out to the raft". Now, that could be a lengthy swim. Going from three to two was no big deal (two worked just fine). Now it's down to just one. The little raft near Watersports isn't really a swim raft. There doesn't even appear to be a ladder on it. If I had a vote, it would definitely be to bring back the second raft. It wouldn't be adding a raft, it would just be replacing the one that (I assume) was destroyed in the October storm.

What's funny is, sitting here at home, this seems like (and is) such a trivial topic. But, on the island... "should I swim out to the raft?"... is one of the toughest decisions of the day. (lol)