I hadn't given the idea of two rafts being a real necessity much contemplation, but some have raised some valid points... Here's a true tale of this part of the Caribbean that happened only yesterday that would have made two rafts appreciated.

During the prime time mid-afternoon a couple with a very long haired chocolate brown dog the size of a small bear (no exaggeration - a Newfoundland?) showed up on the beach. The poor dog looked extremely uncomfortable, sand laden, in the blazing sun of Orient Beach, after a while of roaming the beach they swam out to the main (and really only) raft with their Gentle Ben. They landed on the raft, got the dog aboard it and of course the dog shook itself dry, causing the two people that were on the raft to abandon ship immediately... and the bear-keepers then commenced to tie the raft up for at least a good hour or so thereafter entertaining their doggie.