Carol_Hill said:
... Cruise ships are some of the cleanest places on the planet and they often get the bug.

I agree Carol yet there are always intestinal problems aboard and they say it's Norvo virus brought aboard by passengers. Well, in my opinion---since the ship IS clean, it could be food poisoning. It happened on one of our cruises and we were confined to our stateroom. I had it hubby never did so I did my own investigation and found all those I spoke with that had it had eaten the mussels. Those that didn't were fine.

Later I read a report about shellfish becoming contaminated due to high water temps. These ships take on supplies at different ports. Strange in our case that the onboard illness didn't take place until after the ship was underway and had made a port stop.

Bottom line is who really knows what causes things. I got scombroid once from fresh tuna because, after we had it tested, found it had come in contact with a carcinogen. Hubby once got the other party's symptoms long after a meal on the island yet I didn't. So it could be anything---even touching a surface or swimming in a pool, or a parasite in the ocean which enters only those with broken skin.