But you can't fix when you reply to the wrong person, and then that person gets their panties in a bunch and points it out, when it's obviously not a big deal. People need to chill. If I use there instead of their, and don't go back and fix it, it's really not the end of the world. Or if I decide to not use any punctuation at all and just continue rambling on and on with no comas or periods again the world wont come to an end its just annoying and if you don't like it just don't read it or comment kind of like the FOLKS THAT LIKE TO POST IN ALL CAPS. Annoying and no they are probably not yelling but maybe they can't see well and it helps. People just need to take the information at face value and do with it what you want. I can't imagine anyone here on this board that would point out other people's faults in person, so why the need to do it behind a keyboard??