Sungoddess said:
Erick's directions are correct, but you can't make a left at that light...just go down a bit and turn around..and it's down on your right. the light is right AFTER you go over the little bridge
and NO, it's not the road going to the zoo - I think it's called Illidge Rd.

Yes, the light is on the P'Burg side of the bridge.

No left turn.

When you get turned around, yes, the market would be a right onto Illidge road at the light, then on your right as you proceed.

Instead of turning around, I usually just do a right at the first turn on Pondfill and then another right to get onto Long Wall Road, and then it's straight through the light.

If you continue on Illidge road, and bear right at the roundabout and then bear right as you approach Fresh Market you will be on Arch Road, where the Zoo will be almost immediately on your right.

Google Map here.


Look up and wave! smile