My reply is not intended for GaKaye, or anybody specific.

I have a lot of friends on SXM, one of the reasons I keep going back to this island and I consider Marty and Lori my friends.

For those that are upset that Marty was optimistic with the new owner, regardless of if he was optimistic or not, that would not change one thing on your time share ownership. Not his fault, not his control. Damn the man for being hopeful. The place was becoming a pit, no elevator, units falling apart, and Manek just keeping the money. Personally, if he still owned it I would have given my unit there up. Sucks but if you want postive spin, PM me.

As for if Marty will win or not, who knows. The SXM legal system is not normal to us US people. But know that if it was easy to get rid of the business Marty has, know that if that was the case he would have been gone in 2014.

Why they just don't pay Marty a sum of money to leave I have no idea. Look at the plans for the place, look at the money he is spending on legal to try to get him to leave. My guess, simply a guess, is that his legal team needs the money so they are milking this for all they can get. That people, is the legal system in motion.

A lot of assumptions are being made, sit back and wait for the outcome. Should be with in two weeks but with SXM, who knows.

Last, I wonder what happens with the new proposed in theory plan for the property with the people that own in building A.

Is it cheaper to bribe government, or pay the people off?

Have a great week! Cheers!

I prefer the Isle seat