Cleobeach said:
Would something like this work?


Or this -


For example, one parent always carries the baby through TSA/C&I and the other always carries the hand baggage. That way you aren't burning energy with a constant back and forth about "who has the diaper bag? type of exchange. The same could be applied to safety.

Our land-to-boat and back again were limited to day trips, water taxis, some dingy trips, etc. but in those instances, my husband was most comfortable taking charge of our son.

His focus was 100% on our son and I backed off and didn't distract him with a thousand questions, advice, coaching, etc. about how he was doing it.

Is your son's PDF the type that keeps him face up? Ours had a pillow type flap at the rear collar area with a handle that was always firmly grasped.

Also, is a bright color? Those stupid blue ones should be illegal.

I have the Brica on my wish list in amazon - its just a bit small for him, although he would fit and it certainly would contain him as long as he didn't roll out of it smile He moves around a LOT when he sleeps. I'm not sure why it has a weight limit though - he already exceeds that.

Life vest is as you describe - it is unfortunately blue, but has orange stars all over it and the straps are a bright orange as well. It does have a handle too. We're still figuring out packing, but since he will be in his car seat when we are going through the airport, I will be in charge of him and then we'll each have certain bags we'll take - we may just take his stroller simply to make this part of the trip easier..
