As I said, the entire SXM community is in a deep state of shock and sadness. This should never had happened. Office Benji is one of the good guys and these thugs have no value of life. Setting up a Gofundme for the family is a great idea. I am sure it would be helpful and they would appreciate it.
I will say this.. We have a whole generation of lost hopeless angry youth, many of whom have turned to crime and violence.. its born out of neglect, poverty, non functioning families, no jobs, and many other things. No excuses for them,but the reality is we have inadequate overcrowded schools. We have lack of housing. We have inadequate medical services. We have no family services..or very limited...
There is nothing much here to help youth who are at risk so they get more and more lost until they become completely anti social and beyond help.
It is a sad state of affairs.