If you see a good airfare from a USA domestic airline book it! You have a right to cancel within 24 hours. I once posted a long message here about the bucket system airlines use. There are 10 to 12 fare buckets for each flight. You can look at a flight quote for say 4 tickets and while you are thinking about it someone grabs those four seats in that bucket. You are now into the next bucket which will be more money.
If that happens check back in 24 hours because they may have canceled. Travel agents will often hold tickets on several airlines for one client so seats can come back. Trying to judge if tickets will go up or down depends on how well that flight is booking. The size of the buckets will be adjusted up or down as needed to fill the flight. That is why full flights often get dropped from route systems. The computer is making sure the flight is full but the revenue might be weak. Demand to the Islands is strong at the moment.