Been following the comments regarding Hurricanes in the several posts discussing them with some interest.

I somewhat agree with some of the bashing of the various agencies regarding tracks/forecasts. Lives are at stake so, they need to be accurate.

OTH, Hurricane forecasting is notoriously difficult. That the models predict tracks that are anywhere close to accurate most of the time is pretty encouraging and the agencies that provide this service should be given their due.

The subscription service I follow (Crown) was awfully good in describing the difficulties that Erika presented. After the storm left the Lesser Antilles and entered the Caribbean waters, I had no doubt that every model had problems and Crown was very good in describing them and the impact the various weather features present in the Atlantic and Caribbean waters as well as all of North America were having or might have on the storm.

Anyway, as someone stated in one of the threads on this topic, weather forecasting is the only job where you can be wrong 80% of the time and still have a job. It's tough duty. The important thing to do with all this weather information is use it to be prepared for the worst and hope for the best.