Carol and all,

Not sure if I'm reading this correctly, but IF the bag in question fit inside the sizer then it shouldn't have been a problem. If it didn't - it's a whole different story and the fact that one over-sized bag was possibly for three people doesn't make it a legitimate bag.

If it was within the size and scope of the airlines legal carry-on guide lines, that's the issue. We purchased new bags this year to be in compliance with the weight and size rules and now I've read somewhere there's talk of down-sizing them. Oh, well, for now anyway my roll-aboard wheelies are legit and those who look at them and shake their heads can have the last laugh when they actually change the rules, but for now we're good to go! <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat