Last time we chartered, my husband and I picked up the tab for everyone (it was us and our kids). Easy peasy.
For our upcoming charter in November, we're sailing with another couple and a single friend. We've split the boat cost 5 ways.
Looking for ideas on how to share the cost of food and liquor. It seems we all drink different things. One guy drinks gin - I won't touch gin with a 10 foot pole. I drink rum. Other gal doesn't drink rum. We all drink wine. That kind of thing.
We want to pre-order liquor from Caribbean Cellars. How would you split things up? How logistically do you pay/split costs?
I'm thinking we'll shop when we get there and split the cost of food at the store. Stupid question: does one person pay with a credit card and the others chip in cash?
Then there's the cost of ice, water, mooring balls and fuel. Any ideas for that?

Everyone here always has such great advice - thanks!